The Videofied RFANTKT-10, RFANTKT-20 is an external RF antenna that connects to a Videofied control panel and is designed to extend the RF range between the control panel and peripheral devices. Add the HGV-906U RF antenna for those sensors located far from the Videofied panel. External RF antennas should be used only for residential and small commercial applications with heavier RF signal interference (from metal, earth, concrete) and where an indoor XT Control Panel (XT-IP620, XT-IP630) is desired.
Passive (requires no power) and increases cell signal strength by up to 14db (transmission and reception) by replacing the 1/4 wavelength RF antenna with a larger and more efficient antenna.
For larger buildings and outdoor sites with RF interference, the Outdoor XT Control Panel (XTO-IP630), with an integrated high-gain RF antenna, is the recommended control panel.
Product Features:
Omnidirectional RF antenna with mounting hardware
Coax cable (choose length: 10' or 20')
MMCX to N-Female Bulkhead Pigtail
802.11 B/G/N
Compatible with Ethernet-Only Panel (XT-IP620)
Compatible with Cellular/Ethernet Panel (XT-IP630)
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HGV-906U - Videofied Wireless RF Alarm Signal Antenna (Extends Range of Peripheral Devices)
The Videofied RFANTKT-10, RFANTKT-20 is an external RF antenna that connects to a Videofied control panel and is designed to extend the RF range between the control panel and peripheral devices. Add the HGV-906U RF antenna for those sensors located far from the Videofied panel. External RF antennas should be used only for residential and small commercial applications with heavier RF signal interference (from metal, earth, concrete) and where an indoor XT Control Panel (XT-IP620, XT-IP630) is desired.
Passive (requires no power) and increases cell signal strength by up to 14db (transmission and reception) by replacing the 1/4 wavelength RF antenna with a larger and more efficient antenna.
For larger buildings and outdoor sites with RF interference, the Outdoor XT Control Panel (XTO-IP630), with an integrated high-gain RF antenna, is the recommended control panel.
Product Features:
Omnidirectional RF antenna with mounting hardware
Coax cable (choose length: 10' or 20')
MMCX to N-Female Bulkhead Pigtail
802.11 B/G/N
Compatible with Ethernet-Only Panel (XT-IP620)
Compatible with Cellular/Ethernet Panel (XT-IP630)
id:hgv-906u-videofied-rf-antenna|image:|name:HGV-906U - Videofied Wireless RF Alarm Signal Antenna (Extends Range of Peripheral Devices)|price:325.89|rating:|rollimage:|brand:Videofied|price:325.89|frequency:|installation:DIY Install|panel:|wired-zones:|wireless-zones:|color:|compatible:|network:|resolution:|monitoring-type:|property-type:|communication:|supervision-test:|interactive-app:|category:Cellular Antennas|environment: