The Alula RE036 is a 8-foot external MMCX cellular LTE alarm antenna that is designed for use with the Alular BAT-CONNECT universal tri-path alarm communicators. Mount the RE036 antenna at a higher elevation point to boast the cellular signal range of the BAT-CONNECT communicator.
Product Features:
8-foot antenna
Better performance
Antenna can be hidden in the wall
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RE036 - Alula 8-Foot External Wall-Drop MMCX Cellular LTE Alarm Antenna (for BAT-CONNECT Communicators)
RE036 - Alula 8-Foot External Wall-Drop MMCX Cellular LTE Alarm Antenna (for BAT-CONNECT Communicators)
The Alula RE036 is a 8-foot external MMCX cellular LTE alarm antenna that is designed for use with the Alular BAT-CONNECT universal tri-path alarm communicators. Mount the RE036 antenna at a higher elevation point to boast the cellular signal range of the BAT-CONNECT communicator.
Product Features:
8-foot antenna
Better performance
Antenna can be hidden in the wall
id:re036-alula-8-foot-external-wall-drop-cellular-lte-antenna-for-bat-connect-communicator|image:|name:RE036 - Alula 8' External Wall-Drop MMCX Cellular LTE Alarm Antenna (for BAT-CONNECT Communicators)|price:9.99|rating:|rollimage:|brand:Alula|price:9.99|frequency:|installation:DIY Install|panel:|wired-zones:|wireless-zones:|color:|compatible:|network:|resolution:|monitoring-type:|property-type:|communication:|supervision-test:|interactive-app:|category:Cellular Antennas|environment:Indoor